
Oncetherewasatree....andshelovedalittleboy.Andeverydaytheboywouldcomeandhewouldgatherherleavesandmakethemintocrowns,Thenonedaytheboycametothetreeandthetreesaid,Come,Boy,comeandclimbupmytrunkandswingfrommybranchesandeatapplesandplayinmyshade.,TheGivingTreeisanAmericanchildren'spicturebookwrittenandillustratedbyShelSilverstein.Firstpublishedin1964byHarper&Row,ithasbecome ...,評分4.9(35,096)T...

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein

Once there was a tree.... and she loved a little boy. And everyday the boy would come and he would gather her leaves and make them into crowns

[PDF] The-Giving

Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said, Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade.

The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree is an American children's picture book written and illustrated by Shel Silverstein. First published in 1964 by Harper & Row, it has become ...

The Giving Tree - Books

評分 4.9 (35,096) This moving parable for all ages offers a touching interpretation of the gift of giving and a serene acceptance of another's capacity to love in return.

The Giving Tree

供應中 書名:The Giving Tree,原文名稱:愛心樹,語言:英文,ISBN:9780060256654,頁數:64,作者:Silverstein, Shel,出版日期:2014/02/18,類別:童書(0-12歲)

The Giving Tree (精裝版)

供應中 書名:The Giving Tree (精裝版),語言:英語,ISBN:9780060256654,出版社:Harper Collins,作者:Shel Silverstein,出版日期:1986/02/01,類別:

The Giving Tree(中譯:愛心樹)

供應中 《The Giving Tree》是一本經典的暢銷繪本,自1964年出版至今已經銷售超過1000萬本,多次登上《紐約時報》暢銷書榜,被列入許多學校和圖書館的推薦書單,是教師們最喜愛的100 ...

The Giving Tree - Animated Children's Book

The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein The Animated Children's Books channel is dedicated to providing quality entertainment for your children ...

THE GIVING TREE The Beloved Children's Story by Shel Silverstein ...

THE GIVING TREE The Beloved Children's Story by Shel Silverstein Kids Book Read Aloud · Try YouTube Kids · StoryTime at Awnie's House · Shorts ...